Peace Day 2021

peace day
Montessori schools have a strong Peace Curriculum and all around the world embrace the UNITED NATION’S INTERNATIONAL PEACE DAY on September 21st.  This year, our class will also give this a focus as it assists us all in understanding how to come together as a community and work together in the same classroom peacefully and cooperatively.  On Peace Day, we lit a candle for peace between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. to give an example of how the Light of Peace travels around the world in one day (as it moves through each time zone).  We discussed what makes us feel peaceful (to follow up on some emotions that may have occurred at the beginning of the school year.) Some things that came up from the children were:


  • playing on the hill (in HH playground)
  • playing with friends
  • hugs from parents
  • listening to music or singing
  • being in nature
  • looking at/reading books
  • flowers
  • taking a bubble bath
  • looking at a beautiful picture or creating new art
  • having a lesson from a teacher and practising the work


We have developed a Peace Table in the classroom with a few peaceful items and the children are welcome to bring a contribution if they choose.


– Roots & Wings Team